Sunday, May 13, 2007

Widget: Bible Books

I've created another widget - this time it is a collection of information about the books of the Bible, which can be displayed either as a "Bible Book of the Week" or a "Bible Book at Random."

Each item contains links to the text of the book online in original languages and in English translation, along with a link to the Wikipedia article about the book, plus a brief passage selected from the book which appears in italics.

I'm hoping this would be something useful to help people become familiar with the books of the Bible - including wonderful books like Tobit and Wisdom which are not included in the Hebrew and Protestant Bibles, but which are part of the Catholic and Orthodox canons.

You can find this widget and related widgest at the website. I hope that for anyone with a course website devoted to Bible-based courses could find the information and links useful in exposing their students to basic information about all the books of the Bible.

You can see the widget in action in the right-hand column of this blog! And here is the random version of the script:

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