Monday, June 4, 2007

Note for Feedburner email subscribers

Hi everybody, I'm still having some trouble trying to convince Feedburner to ignore edited posts, so that only truly new posts show up in the daily email. In yesterday's email there was one new post at the top of the email, along with a whole long list of posts beneath it which I had cleaned up - as a result of editing those old posts, they showed up again in the email. My apologies - I have yet to find a way to persuade Feedburner to ignore those edited posts when concocting the daily email.

At the blog, though, all is well! If you go to the blog itself at, you will not see the old updated blog posts on the main page; you will only see the blog posts for that day.

So if you just want to see only the latest posts, you can use the email as a reminder to visit the blog and check out what's new. The blog homepage will display only the current day's posts, with the other recent posts listed in the right-hand column.

Thanks for your patience! Cobbling together a blog out of 100% free tools is sometimes a bit of a puzzle! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura -

    The issue isn't FeedBurner per se... it's that Blogger inserts edited posts into the feed (because the feed, by default, is showing the most recently edited posts, instead of the most recently published posts). To override this default Blogger behavior, check out this post which gives you a way to force the feed to sort by publication date (instead of edit date).

    Hope that helps.


    Rick Klau


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