Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Thoughts on Growth Mindset

Since I am familiar with growth mindset, I thought I would go through my bookmarks and see what kind of articles or graphics I could list here, things I should add to the class files because I thought they might be useful:

‘My brain feels like it’s been punched’: the intolerable rise of perfectionism. This is an article from the Guardian.
Perfectionism is a personality trait rather than a mental health condition. There is no World Health Organization diagnosis code for perfectionism and it is not listed in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It can fly under the radar and masquerade as the pursuit of high standards, yet it overlaps with a plethora of disorders from eating to obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, body dysmorphia, depression and suicide.

How metacognition, thinking about thinking, can help your life. This is an article from BigThink.
 A study from the University of Newcastle in Australia looked at over 2,000 PhD students and found a relationship between how they thought about the learning process to their successes and failures in achieving their degrees. The British Educational Endowment Foundation discovered that students who received interventions that made them think about their writing skills showed 9 to 18 months worth of academic improvement. 

What We’ve Gotten Wrong About the Fail Forward Movement. This is a very useful piece about learning versus performance and the different role feedback plays in each.

Which Is Better, Rewards or Punishments? Neither. This is a good one in the New York Times.
Motivation is great, when it has the underlying message: “I trust you and believe you want to cooperate and help. We are a team.” This is a subtle difference from dangling rewards, but it’s a powerful one.

10 Strategies To Promote Curiosity In Learning. This is a nice one from TeachThought! I am trying to do all these things in my classes. If I could magically give everyone a gift, it would be the gift of curiosity!

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