Sunday, April 25, 2021

Famous Last Words... a house!

So last week was totally overwhelming already (second Pfizer shot, doing a keynote for OERxDomains conference, among other adventures)... and then this weekend, my husband and I put in a bid on a house, and we just found out late on Sunday evening that the owners accepted our offer. So, I'm going to be starting my retirement in a new house, and it looks amazing. The best part is the woods around the house, which have walking trails:

The woods where we live now are beautiful too (we live about an hour away from the new house), but our woods are not like this: where we live now we have lots of undergrowth and bushes and so on, so that you can't just walk through the woods (at least, not without a machete, ha ha)... but this forest is like a movie set or something: woods perfect for walking in.

There are also wonderful built-in bookcases in the room that will be my study. I'm guessing this will be the first time in, uh... forever, when I will actually be able to have all my books out on bookshelves; right now I've got boxes of books in my closet. In fact, my closet is basically full of boxes of books. Now I'll have a study and there is also a guest room where I can put the bookcases that are in my study now (guests will have lots of things to read if they want, ha ha). This is the room that will be the study; it's a children's bedroom right now (the owners are still living in the house). 

It gets good light and should be really nice and quiet too, even more quiet than where we live now because it is way way way off the main road down a gravel road through the woods. 

Anyway, I still can't quite believe it is really happening, but this is the weekend when this new life adventure began. If all goes well, we'll close in a month and start moving in June. Our anniversary is in June: even if we are not moved in yet, we should be be able to celebrate our anniversary at the new house, whoo-hoo!

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