Sunday, September 9, 2018

Week 3 Review

I backed up my blog for this class (I don't think I had ever backed this blog up before!), and I also backed up the one story page at my new Portfolio website (whoo-hoo!). Then I checked the spreadsheet to see how I was doing on points; so far, so good. I don't know if I will have time to do classwork like this when I am at my dad's week after next, so I am trying to get ahead.

And then, the fun part, picking out favorite stuff from the announcements last week. I will limit myself to just a few things (obviously, I like the announcements, ha ha, since I am the one who wrote them).

I really like the Shakira video, so that's the one I am embedding here, and I'm listening to it right now as I write this. :-)

And here are a few graphics:

This is a Library. In the Trump era, we need them more than ever.

Great advice from Neil Gaiman:

And here's Introvert Doodles on the creative process:

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