Monday, October 8, 2018

Week 7: Growth Mindset. David Eagleman

Yes, more extra credit, watching another video from the playlist, this one on creativity, imagination, and neuroplasticity by David Eagleman:

In this case, I have read his book already, ha ha, so I am not risking the addition of another book to my reading list by watching this one. The book I read is The Runaway Species: How human creativity remakes the world with Anthony Brandt as his coauthor, and I really enjoyed it, so it was fun to see what an enthusiastic and exciting speaker Eagleman is in person. Of course, I also had to check and see what other books he has published... and he has a lot of them! He has even written fiction. Oh no... his book Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives looks really cool! Oh nooooo... I have bought the Kindle. This extra credit business can be dangerous... but I'm going to Austin soon, so that will give me some reading time on the plane anyway. :-)

1 comment:

  1. This video exactly captures how I feel when I come across yet another Buzzfeed/Facebook "Embrace/unleash creativity" article. I think every person handles the creative urge differently, and I can't equate that with something as basic as hunger. "Get hungry, eat food." Feel creative... not such an easy answer sometimes!

    I think my next growth mindset post will try to incorporate a little research into what elements in my life come together for a perfect creative session. There's a lot of factors that influence whether or not I can actually sit down and write a story.


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