Sunday, September 30, 2018

Week 6: Portfolio Revisions

I decided the best way for me to do the project revisions assignments is to write up a blog post as I complete them, since it seems kind of dopey to send an email to myself, ha ha. For this week, I've got two stories at my Portfolio, and I worked on revising both of them. Here's the checklist:

Please answer this question: Which new editing challenge did you use, and how did it go?
What I did this time was think about the best way to include the text of the Twine story with all the options if people want to see how that works. So, I saved the "proofing copy" in the form of a PDF, uploaded it to Google Drive, and then I used the insert-from-Google-Drive option to have the PDF display inside the Mouse-Bride page. It looks pretty good! I also made revisions to both stories. Someone left a comment about wanting there to be a back-button, and there really is a back-button although it's hard to see, so I added a note at the top of the Twine story about how to hover over the text to see the back button.

REVISION. I have revised the published stories at my website.

SPELLCHECK. I have spellchecked the revised versions.

PROOFREAD. I have proofread the revised stories by reading them out loud.

LENGTH. The revised stories 500-1000 words long. (I was able to shorten up the sunflower story by a little bit, and it does sound better!)

AUTHOR'S NOTE. The revised notes are 200-300 long. (I also tightened up both notes.)

BIBLIOGRAPHY. I included bibliography for my source(s).

IMAGE. I included at least one image with image information.

Here's a screenshot of that embedded PDF at the Mouse-Bride story:

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