Sunday, September 9, 2018

Growth Mindset: Quotes Padlet

I'm doing a kind of variation on the "learn from other students" challenge:
3. Learn from OTHER STUDENTS. (details) I've got a collection of quotes from previous student blog posts about growth mindset; for this assignment, you'll browse those quotes from other students to see what you can learn.
What I did today, for the first time this semester (yay!), was to go through the stream of blog posts about feedback and about growth mindset, finding quotes/images to add to the Padlet. I found 5 quotes, which filled up the top row with new stuff. I will try to do this every week; it is really fun to see what students in the class are thinking about and to find snippets to share at the Padlet.

Here are two of my favorites:

My mantra is something my mom always tells me when I'm freaking out or stressed over schoolwork. When she says "You will be okay," there is a sense of "you will be okay because you better have put in the effort for this test/essay/whatever and so you will do okay because you put the work in, right?" It emphasizes the process - the process of studying/writing a paper/listening and paying attention.

We all need feed back to improve; if not, I think that is when we start to coast. Because we don't see ourselves getting better.

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