Sunday, September 23, 2018

Week 5: Famous Last Words... post-hurricane

So, this week was not at all as expected; I was supposed to go to Texas this week, but Delta canceled my flight, and there was no practical way to reschedule since we couldn't really tell what was going to happen here: the weather radio was squawking all last weekend and early this week too with flooding all around us. Where we live is not subject to flooding, but the Eno river down in Durham flooded; that's never happened since we moved here.

I'll be going to Texas in a couple of weeks in October, but it was very weird having my travel plans changed for a hurricane; that has never happened to me before. Snow and ice, yes, but never rain.

Anyway, Week 5 is usually one of the busiest weeks of the semester for me with all the project websites going up, so I made good use of the time, just hunkered down at home. It was a big week of just getting stuff done!

And............. I wrote the most complicated Twine story I've ever written, and it was really fun! I posted it here at my blog and added it to my Portfolio. Then I wrote up some Tech Tips about using Twine, which I also put as an option for the Story Lab this week. Maybe some other people will want to learn about Twine. And then I tested it in Canvas, and it worked great, so I wrote about that at Canvas. Now I am hoping I can get some of my Canvas buddies to start playing with Twine too. :-)

For next week, it's India again, so I'm going to read the Jacobs unit, and I think I want to do my own version of the "air castles" story, but about somebody who has an idea for a story while they are falling asleep (that happens to me all the time), writes it down, dreams that they are totally successful, winning the Nobel Prize, and then they can't find their notes for their Nobel Prize speech, and they go rummaging for the notes, and wake up, and find that the notes they took for the story are just gibberish. I will keep track of my dreams to find truly weird stuff to go in the story, like the dream I had the other night where I was on a beach, and then at some restaurant on the beach, with a deck up high, then there was an earthquake, or maybe a volcano, and I was wearing sneakers and my sneakers got full of salt water and they were going squeak squeak squeak, and I knew somehow that was the end of the world, ha ha. It wasn't scary. Just WEIRD.

Anyway, we'll see. Now I hope I have weird dreams for the next few nights so that I can do something good with my story idea on Thursday, with some authentic weird dream stuff ha ha.

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