So, last semester I did this "tiny tales" project with Ramayana stories: Big Epic, Tiny Stories: Microfiction from the Ramayana. I included stories about Hanuman, Rama, and Ravana, and I like how it turned out. The layout of the 100-word stories looked good! So maybe this time I could do something like that with stories about women of the Ramayana, or maybe a woman of the Epics so I could pick a couple of women from the Ramayana and a couple of women from the Mahabharata!
And here's probably my favorite project I've done for Myth-Folklore (since I really do love chain tales so much!): Chain Tale Anthology: One Thing Leads to Another. Chain tales are obviously more fun when they are expanded, but I've also been able to include some chain tales in my "tiny tales" books too, so maybe I could do a fun project where I picked some chain tales and told them BOTH ways, once as a 100-word story, and then in a fuller version. If I am doing all tiny-tales for the Indian Epics project, then this chain tale project might be fun to do so that I could get some practice writing longer stories this semester too!

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