Hanuman Beyond-the-Ramayana. Yes, I never get tired of stories about Hanuman. There are lots of stories about Hanuman that are not part of the Valmiki Ramayana, so I was thinking it might be cool to do a project that focused exclusively on those Hanuman stories that are not in the Ramayana. I would rely on Lutgendorf's book for that. (These stories could easily come from my Hanuman microfiction project.)
Women of the Mahabharata. This is really appealing to me: there are so many great women characters, and in the same way that Chitra Divakaruni told the whole Mahabharata from Draupadi's point of view, I wonder if I could create a Storybook that gives a sense of the overall arc of the Mahabharata using just women characters. (These stories could easily come from my Mahabharata microfiction project.) I know I would want to write about Amba! I did a good index of the Ganguli Mahabharata I can use to try to stay organized, plus there's Macfie's index.

Tales of Krishna. I know that is kind of vague, but I'm going to be working on Krishna microfiction anyway, and there is always room for more Krishna stories in this class. In fact, that would be a big advantage of doing a Krishna project (I want to work my way through the Bhagavata Purana portions related to Krishna, or maybe the Harivamsha), making people more interested in Krishna so that by the time we get around to the Krishna weeks in class, people might be intrigued by that.
Tales of Ganesha. I included some Ganesha stories in the Tiny Tales of India book, and I wrote a fair number of Ganesha microfictions last semester... I could turn that into a cool Ganesha project. For that one, I might put a few microfictions on the page, and then tell one more story in more detail. In fact, that might be a cool approach for any kind of microfiction project, choosing four stories that interconnect somehow, and telling one of those stories in more detail!
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