Saturday, September 8, 2018

Tech Tip: Latest Posts

Okay, I lied: I added one more widget! I realized that since I am just displaying 2 posts on the homepage, and most people are probably coming here not from the homepage but from the link to the Introduction or to a Story post, it would be good to have a widget with latest posts. Strangely enough, the only way to do that at Blogger is to subscribe to your own RSS feed, but whatever -- it works!

So, get your blog address from your homepage; you will need to copy and paste that into the dialogue box that comes next. It is the super-short address:

In Blogger Layout, click add a gadget where you want to add your gadget, and select the Feed gadget by clicking on the plus sign:

Then, when the dialogue box comes up, paste in your blog address. It will fetch your latest posts. You can also give the gadget a new title; I called mine "Latest Posts" (instead of the default of my actual blog title).

Click save and, presto! There it is. You can drag-and-drop the gadget to the position you want in the sidebar.

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